
Monday, November 17, 2014

Your Place For Renewable Energy Products

Your Place For Renewable Energy Products "Your Place For Renewable Energy Products"

How to design my Renewable Energy System?
There are many factors to be used when designing a system.

Considerations have to be made for: 

Application, Budget, Location and load requirements.

The first step is to decide on your application.

The four main applications are:

Back-up type applications are designed to backup the utility grid power only. This takes the place of a generator and can act in a UPS-like fashion with transfer speeds less than 16mS.


Grid-Interactive applications provide the same benefits as Back-Up; however, they have the added capability of "selling" or exporting energy back into the local utility grid. This is typically done using a renewable source like: solar, wind, water or even biomass.

Off-Grid is relatively self explanatory and allows you to create your own utility grid when none is available. This can be accomplished with just an inverter and battery bank, but usually includes a generator and maybe solar, wind or water to help recharge the batteries.


Mobile is the fourth category and is very similar to the Off-Grid or Back-Up applications. It allows you to take the grid power with you on a trailer, boat or RV.
Once you have determined that, the next step is to determine what your requirements are.

This includes: 

Load requirements, Inverter and type of Battery bank size.
Technology and accessories like generators, charge controllers, wind turbines and solar panels.

If you are unsure of what your system needs are we can help you with products selections.

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