
Thursday, December 11, 2014

MEF Mechanical Energy Factory 20 kW


A NET-20 kW mechanical energy factory is a complete system that will generate 20 kilowatts of clean power without using any type of fossil fuels.

It operates on its own generated energy and it will be introduced to the market on 2015. This particular system can be interconnected with the grid and/or 100% off-grid with a battery bank., LLC is currently working on other systems that will be able to produce higher amount of power. However, the higher we go on power output the system designs also change to accommodate other components, but the concept is the same in terms of generating power without any external injection of energy.

We are currently contemplating on designing and installing a 50 to 100 megawatt system to provide power support to CSP plants to operate at night. This is something to be negotiated with investors.

If you are in the market for Renewable Energy Products gives us a visit, share our site and contact us if you should have any questions.

For those who are interested in smaller units of 1 to 10 kilowatts, we can also build units that small. These type of units can be use in Hydroponics and any leftover power can be stored in battery banks or send to the grid for credits. Keep in mind that we don't have generators this small in our place, however, we can order them to work in any particular project. 

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