
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Off-Grid System Sizing Information

Off-Grid System Sizing Information


Off-Grid System Sizing Information: Off-grid solar PV systems, like the one shown in the diagram above, are one of the most economical ways to provide electricity in the absence of an electrical power grid.

Off-grid systems are useful for remote homes and cabins, RVs and boats, and even for industrial applications like remote telemetry, cathodic protection, and telecommunications. The size of an off-grid solar electric system depends on the amount of power that is required (watts), the amount of time it is used (hours), and the amount of energy available from the sun in a particular area (sun-hours per day). Off-grid power systems are designed differently than grid-tie systems.

With a battery-less grid-tie system, calculations for system sizing are based on the yearly average peak sun-hours available at the site, and are used to offset the yearly power consumption drawn from the utility grid. 

With an off-grid system design, the calculations are usually based on the peak sun-hour figures for the darkest month of the year in order to provide sufficient on-site power year-round. In locations where it is not practical to install a renewable energy power system that will provide 100% autonomy during the darkest time of the year, a generator may be used to help run loads and charge the battery bank.

Off-grid power system design is complex, and these systems require specialized inverters, charge controllers, and battery banks.

Please contact us for Technical system design assistance.

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